Page 4 - 202003感恩追思手冊-eng
P. 4

Tzu Chi University
          Fulfill and Broaden the Path of
          Medical Science

                                       Dharma Master Cheng Yen

            Each year when the time of the clinical surgical simulation
          training program approaches,  my heart  is filled  with
          appreciation and respect for these silent mentors.
            While they were alive, many silent mentors expressed their
          most sincere love by making the most of their time in this world
          and expanding the breadth and depth of their lives.  Then in
          the end, they donated their bodies to help students discover
          the mysteries of the human body. Their lives are indeed great
          and profound. Many of the silent mentors accompanied
          me in walking the Tzu Chi path. Whether building hospitals,
          establishing schools, helping the poor or providing disaster
          relief, they contributed their money and strength without
          asking for anything in return. I still have vivid memories of them.
            Tzu Chi volunteers often say they want to volunteer with Tzu
          Chi life after life. I believe these silent mentors have already
          left for their next lives and will be reborn as adorable little
          Bodhisattvas. I still remember that several years ago, when I
          met a one-year-old child, a sense of joy arose in me as soon as I
          saw him. When he saw me, he began wobbling toward me and
          seemed to know me very well.

            His dad told me, “That’s very strange. Sometimes my child
          cries, refusing to eat, I just need to tell him, ‘Be a good boy.
          Don’t Cry. When you finish eating, I will give you money for
          your piggy bank so that you can help Master Cheng Yen build

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