Page 9 - 2019-12感恩追思手冊-eng
P. 9

Middle one in the first row

                                                HCC, 66 years old

           Mr. CHEN, Shang-Hsin

           Making a great transformation and serving the needy
           with his children

             Teacher Shang-Hsin Chen lost his mother when he was young, so
           his father raised him. As an adult, he lived playfully and irresponsibly
           for a while, until he joined Tzu Chi. Since joining Tzu Chi, Teacher Chen
           didn’t get angry so often anymore, learned to attend to other’s needs,
           and applied the Buddha’s teachings in his daily life. He volunteered in
           operating video and audio equipment, participated in disaster relief
           work, and visited underprivileged families. To inspire his children’s
           kindness and compassion, Teacher Chen invited them to work with
           him, and through these voluntary participations, they realized the
           meaning of suffering and experienced the joy of giving. Teacher Chen
           associated with TCU’s Silent Mentor Program for years, thus he needed
           to help Silent Mentors regularly. In his later years, he faced his illness
           with perseverance and courage, and decided to leave his legacy of love
           to us.
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